Deep dive looking for good enough reliability models

February 23, 2025 (4 days ago) No comments

A previous post summarised the main highlights of my trawl through the software reliability research papers/reports/data, which failed to find any good enough models for estimating the reliability of a software system. This post summarises a deep dive into the technical aspects of the research papers.

I am now a lot more confident that better than worst case models for calculating software reliability don’t yet exist (perhaps the problem does not have a solution). By reliability, I mean the likelihood that a fault will be experienced during 1-hour of operation (1-hour is the time interval often used in safety critical standards).

All the papers assume that time to next new fault experience can be effectively modelled using timing information on the previously discovered distinct faults. Timing information might be cpu time, or elapsed time during testing or customer use, or even number of tests. Issues of code coverage and the correspondence between tests and customer usage are rarely mentioned.

Building a model requires making assumptions about the world. Given the data used, all the models assume that there is a relationship connecting the time between successive distinct faults, e,g, the Jelinski-Moranda model assumes that the time between fault experiences has an exponential distribution and that the exponent is the same for all faults. While the Jelinski-Moranda model does not match the behavior seen in the available datasets, it is widely discussed (its simplicity makes it a great example, with the analysis being straightforward and the result easy to explain).

Much of the fault timing data comes from the test process, with the rest coming from customer usage (either cpu or elapsed; like today’s cloud usage, mainframe time usage was often charged). What connection does a model fitted to data on the faults discovered during testing have with faults experienced by customers using the software? Managers want to minimise the cost of testing (one claimed use case for these models is estimating the likelihood of discovering a new fault during testing), and maximising the number of faults found probably has a higher priority than mimicking customer usage.

The early software reliability papers (i.e., the 1970s) invariably proposed a new model and then checked how well it fitted a small dataset.

While the top, must-read paper on software fault analysis was published in 1982, it has mostly remained unknown/ignored (it appeared as a NASA report written by non-academics who did not then promote their work). Perhaps if Nagel and Skrivan’s work had become widely known, today we might have a practical software reliability model.

Reliability research in the 1980s was dominated by theoretical analysis of the previously proposed models and their variants, finding connections between them and building more general models. Ramos’s 2009 PhD thesis contains a great overview of popular (academic) reliability models, their interconnections, and using them to calculate a number.

I did discover some good news. Researchers outside of software engineering have been studying a non-software problem whose characteristics have a direct mapping to software reliability. This non-software problem involves sampling from a population containing subpopulations of varying sizes (warning: heavy-duty maths), e.g., oil companies searching for new oil fields of unknown sizes. It looks, perhaps (the maths is very hard going), as-if the statisticians studying this problem have found some viable solutions. If I’m lucky, I will find a package implementing the technical details, or find a gentle introduction. Perhaps this thread will have a happy ending…

An aside: When quickly deciding whether a research paper is worth reading, if the title or abstract contains a word on my ignore list, the paper is ignored. One consequence of this recent detailed analysis is that the term NHPP has been added to my ignore list for software reliability issues (it has applicability for hardware).

Zig is the next fashionable language

February 16, 2025 (2 weeks ago) No comments

New programming languages are constantly being created, with most remaining unknown outside a small circle of friends. Every 5-10 years or so, a few of these languages break out to become fashionable to use. In the early 1980s, I was a fan of Pascal and had conversations with developers trying to figure out why they were fans of C. Yes, C was once the fashionable language to talk about. One of these languages went on to be used almost everywhere, while the other had the common fate of fading into obscurity.

Fashion serves a purpose. People, not just developers, enjoy experimenting, feel a need for self-expression, with a “fresh start” making them feel new and energized. Following fashion provides a means of fulfilling these desires. Developers who don’t need to earn a living using established languages are able to invest their time being part of the growing community of the current fashionable language.

Over the last 5-10 years Rust and Go were fashionable languages, with Julia being part of the trend vibe for a few years in the mid 2010s.

This last year, I have noticed a significant decline in articles extolling Go and meeting developers using it. In the last 6 months, I have seen a marked growth in criticism of Rust (very slow compilation speed in particular).

Fashion requires change and reinvention, because widespread use ruins its specialness. When Rust is no longer perceived to be fashionable (I think Go is already at this point), a new language will be ‘chosen’ to fill the void. Which languages are the likely candidates?

For some time, I have been telling people that my candidate language is Zig. My original whimsical reason was that very few programming languages have names starting with letters near the end of the alphabet (the preponderance of language names start with a letter near the beginning).

Experience has taught me that technical merits have little to do with language choice, clearly illustrated by the wide use of PHP and JavaScript.

A necessary condition for a language to become fashionable is that it be usable on the widely available software development platforms of the day (which is how PHP and JavaScript catapulted their user growth), another is that there be at least one core developer generally available to respond to user questions. The first condition provides something to use, and the second the basis for a welcoming community.

New languages are created on a regular basis by PhD students, but these implementations are a means to an end, i.e., publishing papers about some technique. There might be something to use, but rarely a welcoming community.

Andrew Kelley, the creator of Zig and president of the Zig foundation, quit his job in 2018 to work full-time on Zig. Andrew has put a lot of effort into building a community and raising funds to hire people.

Doing all the necessary things is not enough, there is luck and timing is important. The start date for Zig is four years after the start date for Rust. Not long enough for Rust to become unfashionable and need a replacement. However, seven years after leaving his job, Andrew is still working on Zig. Persistence is also an important success factor.

While I don’t actively follow Zig, I do visit sites where fringe languages are regularly discussed. Over the last six months, there has been a noticeable increase in Zig related discussions, and somebody has written a Zig book. Given that Zig related discussions are uncommon, this uptick may just be noise.

To me, Zig looks ready to go, and also has an appealing backstory (i.e., created by a lone developer working hard over many years) that contrasts with the Rust/Go perceived backstory (i.e., created in the bowls of an, not at the time, ‘evil’ corporation). I have not seen any other contenders for the next fashionable language.

Will LLMs cause fashionable languages to stop being a thing? Perhaps in the long term, or perhaps a new criterion for being fashionable will be not-known to LLMs. At the moment, developers are very aware of the failing of LLM code generation. In the short term, I think that fashionable languages will remain a thing.

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Apollo guidance computer software development process

February 9, 2025 (3 weeks ago) 2 comments

MIT’s Draper Lab implemented the primary Guidance, Navigation and Control System (GNCS) for the Apollo spacecraft, i.e., the hardware+software (the source code is now available on GitHub). Project Apollo ran from 1961 to 1972, and many MIT project reports are available (the five volume set: “MIT’s Role in Project Apollo” probably contains more than you want to know).

What development processes were used to implement the Apollo GNCS software?

For decades, I was told that large organizations, such as NASA, used the Waterfall method to develop software. Did the implementation of the Apollo GNCS software use a Waterfall process?

Readers will be familiar with the wide gulf that can exist between documented management plans and what developers actually did (which is rarely documented). One technique for gaining insight into development practices is to follow the money. Implementation work is a cost, and a detailed cost breakdown timeline of the various development activities provides some insight into the work flow. Gold dust: Daniel Rankin’s 1972 Master’s thesis lists the Apollo project software development costs for each 6-month period from the start of 1962 until the end of 1970; it also gives the number of 16-bit words (the size of an instruction) contained in each binary release, along with the number of new instructions.

The GNCS computer contained 36,864 16-bit words of read-only memory and 2,048 words of read/write memory. The Apollo spacecraft contained two GNCS computers. The plot below shows the cumulative number of new code (in words) contained in all binary releases and the instructions contained in each binary release, with Apollo numbers at the release date of the code for that mission; grey lines show read only word limit and read-only plus twice read/write word limit (code+data):

Cumulative number of words appearing in all software releases, and number of words appearing in each release.

Four times as many instructions appeared over all releases, than made it into the final release. The continual turn-over of code in each release implies an iterative development process prior to the first manned launch, Apollo 8 (possibly an iterative waterfall process). After the first moon landing, Apollo 11, there were very few code changes for Apollo 12/13/14 (no data is available for the Apollo 15/16/17 missions).

The plot below shows thousands of dollars spent on the various software development activities within each 6-month period; the computing items are the cost of computer usage (code+data):

Money spent on various software development activities during half-yearly intervals between 1962 and 1970.

The plot suggests that most activities are ongoing over most of the decade. As expected, Coding costs significantly decrease before the release used during the first Moon landing, and testing costs continue at a high rate across the Apollo 11/12/13/14 missions. Why didn’t the Documentation costs go down when the Coding costs went down? Perhaps this was for some upcoming changes (not the Lunar rover which was built by Boeing). Activities in the legend are ordered by total amount spent; totals below:

  Digital_Computer   $18,373,000
  Testing            $ 9,786,000
  Coding             $ 8,233,000
  Hybrid_Computer    $ 7,190,000
  Analysis           $ 6,580,000
  Documentation      $ 4,177,000
  Management         $ 2,654,000

I think this data clearly shows that the Apollo GNCS software was developed using an iterative approach, and given that the cost of Coding was only twice as much as Documentation, within these iterations some form of Waterfall process was probably used.

Creating a global Standard requires being politically neutral

February 2, 2025 (4 weeks ago) 1 comment

Governments actively promote Standards because following them saves their citizens time and money. The UK and US have contrasting rationales, with the UK focusing on savings achieved through repeated use of standardized items and the US focusing on the repeated use of skills people acquired through using a standardized item (i.e., reduced training costs).

Manufacturers wanting to export products want to be able to ship identical products all over the world, i.e., not have to make costly changes for different national markets. To be able to do this, they need the rest of the world to have a Standard way of doing things. The once dominant military and industrial status of Great Britain, and now the US, motivated them to create and encourage other countries to follow the Standards they created.

These days, most programming language Standards work is done by people employed by US companies attending an international committee, SC22, with (currently) 28 countries paying to be P (participating) members and 21 countries as O (observing) members (most countries don’t appear to have any active involvement in language standards). The reason for the dominance of US companies is that few non-US companies are willing to fund staff to do Standard’s work. For a few languages SC22 essentially rubber stamps documents produced elsewhere, e.g., most of the Cobol work used to be done by a US committee and ECMAScript (aka JavaScript) work is done in a European committee mostly attended by US companies.

Other countries sometimes get to dominate the creation of a language Standard, e.g., the UK led the Pascal Standard work. At the last SC22 meeting, a person from the US lamented that Europe was set to become the dominant driver of the Ada Standard. I resisted the urge to cheer: Make Europe Great Again.

Getting an international Standard adopted throughout the world requires that ISO be politically neutral and accept any sovereign country as a member (provided they pay the membership fees). For instance, North Korea is a member of ISO.

The only politics I have previously seen in programming language standard meetings has involved company rivalry, not geopolitical rivalry. A recent request for comment from SC2 (the ISO committee responsible for coded character sets; readers are more likely to be familiar with Unicode, essentially the same information published by a non-profit consortium based in California) looks like geopolitics, in the sense of geopolitical virtue signalling.

The document is: Request for SC2 member comments on proposal to encode “Ruble sign with double vertical stem”. What does the character “Ruble sign with double vertical stem” look like? To quote the document: “The proposed character is a text element that cannot be represented by any existing character or character sequence.” Readers will have to imagine Russia’s Ruble currency symbol, ₽, with two vertical stems (I assume these stems are short antennae like lines).

What is the geopolitical connection? Readers will be aware of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but may not be aware of Russia’s involvement in Transnistria (quoting Wikipedia, “… a landlocked breakaway state internationally recognized as part of Moldova.”). Since 1994, the proposed character has been used as the Transnistria currency symbol.

The request for comment includes a “Non-technical considerations” section summarises various controversy points, and finishes with: “We are not aware of any non-technical criteria having been used by SC2 or WG2 in the past that could be applied to disqualify this character. We are also concerned that adopting a criterion that allows for opposing a character because of association with politically or socially defined user communities could be problematic.”

The proposed character is not included in ISO 4217 (which defines numeric codes for the representation of currencies). However, SC22 does not require that a character used to represent a currency be included in ISO 4217. Previously, SC22 has accepted currency characters that are not in ISO 4217.

Is this a one-off objection, or does it mark the start of a stream of requests to remove one or more politically incorrect characters from ISO 10646/Unicode?

A lot of people put a lot of effort into creating a unified Standard for all the characters created by the World’s people. I hope the destructive nature of virtue signalling does not take hold in programming language Standard ecosystem.

Comparing developer/LLM coding performance

January 26, 2025 1 comment

Lots of claims are being made about how LLMs will soon outperform developers on coding tasks. Given the lack of any effective measure of developer performance, these claims are meaningless. At some point, lower costs will entice management to accept good enough LLM performance as a replacement for human developers, i.e., LLM don’t need to be technically better than developers.

The outperform claims are, currently, marketing puff, and I was not expecting anybody to make a serious attempt to compare developer/LLM performance. However, concerns about AI exceeding human capacity to control it (and maybe wiping out humans) has resulted in some well funded AI safety research groups. There is at least one group actively recruiting developers to “… establish human performance baselines on tasks related to software engineering, machine learning, and cybersecurity …”.

The most talked about AI threat scenarios all seem to start with recursive self-improvement, i.e., LLMs training themselves, exponentially improving with each iteration (the implied exponential always seems to be continuously up, rather than getting exponentially closer to a maximum).

Can current LLMs improve themselves faster than a developer can?

Implementing a new LLM is beyond the ability of today’s LLM, but they can implement some of the components used to build an LLM. How does LLM performance compare against developers, on the implementation of these components?

The paper RE-Bench: Evaluating frontier AI R&D capabilities of language model agents against human experts from METR (Model Evaluation & Threat Research) comes with code and “… anonymized human expert data coming soon.” for seven tasks. The baseline was derived from the performance of 61 human experts.

I’m always pleased to see researchers doing experiments with developers. I wish there were more groups doing this kind of thing.

However, I think that these researchers have made the common mistake of using very complicated subject tasks in their experiment. Most software development tasks are mundane, with the occasional complicated task (which can often be solved by using an appropriate package/library). The tasks may be representative of the harder tasks that need to be done, but they are not representative of the complete LLM implementation scenario.

A consequence of using complicated tasks is that most subjects only had enough time to complete one task (they were given 8 hours). With so few tasks (seven) the confidence intervals are going to be very wide on any general statement about human/LLM performance. With around ten subjects per task, the individual task confidence intervals are also going to be wide.

Task 7 made me laugh: “… that generates solutions to CodeContests problems in Rust, …”

Why Rust? Did they happen to have access to lots of Rust experts, or does the research group contain enthusiastic fans of Rust? I suspect the latter. There is a certain kind of highly intelligent developer who strongly believes that writing programs in a particular language imbues the code with magical properties (their rationale won’t be worded that way). For the last few years, Rust has been one of these pixie dust languages. Many decades ago, C had this charisma.

Perhaps each generation of ever more ‘intelligent’ LLMs will choose to design a new language to use to implement their ‘successor’.

There are a myriad of tasks related to software engineering. Solving GitHub issues is a thankless task, and having LLMs reliably close open issues would be of enormous benefit. A study published two months ago obtained a 1.96% solution rate (no explicit testing of developers).

Example of an initial analysis of some new NASA data

January 19, 2025 2 comments

For the last 20 years, the bug report databases of Open source projects have been almost the exclusive supplier of fault reports to the research community. Which, if any, of the research results are applicable to commercial projects (given the volunteer nature of most Open source projects and that anybody can submit a report)?

The only way to find out if Open source patterns are present in closed source projects is to analyse fault reports from closed source projects.

The recent paper Software Defect Discovery and Resolution Modeling incorporating Severity by Nafreen, Shi and Fiondella caught my attention for several reasons. It does non-trivial statistical analysis (most software engineering research uses simplistic techniques), it is a recent dataset (i.e., might still be available), and the data is from a NASA project (I have long assumed that NASA is more likely than most to reliable track reported issues). Lance Fiondella kindly sent me a copy of the data (paper giving more details about the data)!

Over the years, researchers have emailed me several hundred datasets. This NASA data arrived at the start of the week, and this post is an example of the kind of initial analysis I do before emailing any questions to the authors (Lance offered to answer questions, and even included two former students in his email).

It’s only worth emailing for data when there looks to be a reasonable amount (tiny samples are rarely interesting) of a kind of data that I don’t already have lots of.

This data is fault reports on software produced by NASA, a very rare sample. The 1,934 reports were created during the development and testing of software for a space mission (which launched some time before 2016).

For Open source projects, it’s long been known that many (40%) reported faults are actually requests for enhancements. Is this a consequence of allowing anybody to submit a fault report? It appears not. In this NASA dataset, 63% of the fault reports are change requests.

This data does not include any information on the amount of runtime usage of the software, so it is not possible to estimate the reliability of the software.

Software development practices vary a lot between organizations, and organizational information is often embedded in the data. Ideally, somebody familiar with the work processes that produced the data is available to answer questions, e.g., the SiP estimation dataset.

Dates form the bulk of this data, i.e., the date on which the report entered a given phase (expressed in days since a nominal start date). Experienced developers could probably guess from the column names the work performed in each phase; see list below:

    Date Created
    Date Assigned
    Date Build Integration
    Date Canceled
    Date Closed
    Date Closed With Defect
    Date In Test
    Date In Work
    Date on Hold
    Date Ready For Closure 
    Date Ready For Test
    Date Test Completed
    Date Work Completed

There are probably lots of details that somebody familiar with the process would know.

What might this date information tell us? The paper cited had fitted a Cox proportional hazard model to predict fault fix time. I might try to fit a multi-state survival model.

In a priority queue, task waiting times follow a power law, while randomly selecting an item from a non-prioritized queue produces exponential waiting times. The plot below shows the number of reports taking a given amount of time (days elapsed rounded to weeks) from being assigned to build-integration, for reports at three severity levels, with fitted exponential regression lines (code+data):

Number of reported faults having a given time between assigned to build-integration, for the three severity levels, with fitted exponential lines.

Fitting an exponential, rather than a power law, suggests that the report to handle next is effectively selected at random, i.e., reports are not in a priority queue. The number of severity 2 reports is not large enough for there to be a significant regression fit.

I now have some familiarity with the data and have spotted a pattern that may be of interest (or those involved are already aware of the random selection process).

As always, reader suggestions welcome.

Extracting information from duplicate fault reports

January 12, 2025 No comments

Duplicate fault reports (that is, reports whose cause is the same underlying coding mistake) are an underused source of information. I sometimes email the authors of a paper analysing fault data asking for information about duplicates. Duplicate information is rarely available, because the authors don’t bother to record it.

If a program’s coding mistakes are a closed population, i.e., no new ones are added or existing ones fixed, duplicate counts might be used to estimate the number of remaining mistakes.

However, coding mistakes in production software systems are invariably open populations, i.e., reported faults are fixed, and new functionality (containing new coding mistakes) is added.

A dataset made available by Sadat, Bener, and Miranskyy contains 18 years worth of information on duplicate fault reports in Apache, Eclipse and KDE. The following analysis uses the KDE data.

Fault reports are created by users, and changes in the rate of reports whose root cause is the same coding mistake provides information on changes in the number of active users, or changes in the functionality executed by the active users. The plot below shows, for 10 unique faults (different colors), the number of days between the first report and all subsequent reports of the same fault (plus character); note the log scale y-axis (code+data):

For ten faults, the number of days between the first report and all subsequent reports of the same base fault (for faults ranked 26-35 most number of duplicates).

Changes in the rate at which duplicates are reported are visible as changes in the slope of each line formed by plus signs of the respective color. Possible reasons for the change include: the coding mistake appears in a new release which users do not widely install for some time, 2) a fault become sufficiently well known, or workaround provided, that the rate of reporting for that fault declines. Of course, only some fault experiences are ever reported.

Almost all books/papers on software reliability that model the occurrence of fault experiences treat them as-if they were a Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP); in most cases, authors are simply repeating what they have read elsewhere.

Some important assumptions made by NHPP models do not apply to software faults. For instance, NHPP models assume that the probability of encountering a fault experience is the same for different coding mistakes, i.e., they are all equally likely. What does the evidence show about this assumption? If all coding mistakes had the same probability of producing a fault experience, the mean time between duplicate fault reports would be the same for all fault reports. The plot below shows the interval, in days, between consecutive duplicate fault reports, for the 392 faults whose number of duplicates was between 20 and 100, sorted by interval (out of a total of 30,377; code+data):

Mean time between duplicate fault reports.

The variation in mean time between duplicate fault reports, for different faults, is evidence that different coding mistakes have different probabilities of producing a fault experience. This behavior is consistent with the observation that mistakes in deeply nested if-statements are less likely to be executed than mistakes contained in less-deeply nested code. However, this observation invalidating assumptions made by NHPP models has not prevented them dominating the research literature.

Changing development culture and practices: LLM edition

January 5, 2025 No comments

The popular perception of creating software systems is that it mainly involves writing code. In the 1950s, management treated writing code as a clerical task that just mapped the detailed requirements specified by someone with knowledge of the problem to something a computer could execute. Job titles reflected this division of labour, e.g., coder/programmer, systems analyst (the Wikipedia entry lists implementation as part of the job, this eventually became true in theory and for many was probably true in practice since the early days).

Using Large Language Models to write code based on the requirements contained in a prompt appears to take software development back to the process mandated by the managers of early software projects.

A major economic incentive for the creation of software systems is enabling more efficient work processes, with the collateral damage of decimated employment in some work functions. This happened to clerical workers and non-software engineering workers. Now it’s happening to software developers.

Hardware designers did not cease to exist once Computer-aided design became available. Technical drawing skills (larger schools once had a room full of drawing boards for teaching young teenagers) has ceased to be a job requirement (image from Wikipedia).

A 19th century architect at the drawing board. From Wikipedia

Software developer will remain as a job category, perhaps with reduced numbers or with reduced average pay. But the use of LLMs will change the culture and practices of software development.

The shift from using assembly language to high level languages suggests a few ideas about the kinds of changes. Using assembly language requires being reasonably familiar with the cpu architecture, e.g., register names/widths/instruction-restrictions and instruction timings. General developer chat about cpu architectures was still a thing in the 1980s, less so in the 1990s, and very rarely today (people do blog about it). Several decades from now, what will no longer be a general topic of developer conversation? Data types, perhaps; like registers, bit pattern representation is a low level detail. Since most developers don’t know much about the languages they use, it may be difficult to measure the impact of LLM usage on language knowledge.

High-level languages increase developer productivity by reducing the number of details that need to be thought about, at the cost of less efficient code. But for many applications, machine time is cheaper than human time.

LLMs increase developer productivity by reducing the need to lookup details (e.g., spelling of method names and their parameters). As confidence grows in the accuracy of LLM suggested code, developers will start accepting, whatever. What counts is whether the code works, not whether the average developer would have written something faster/smaller/idiomatic.

The early languages have a straightforward mapping from statements/declarations to machine code. Over time, languages were created that allowed developers to think less and less about implementation details, at the cost of supporting constructs that could introduce lots of hidden overhead. I expect that customer demand will incentivize LLM functionality that reduces what developers need to think about.

A real danger of LLM usage is that it will, eventually, result in programs a lot more bloated than humans have managed to achieve. There are physical constraints restricting what hardware designers can do, and these constraints show up in patterns of behavior, e.g., Rent’s rule relating the number of external connections in a logic block to the number of logic gates in the block. There are common usage patterns in existing code, but no theory suggesting they are desirable, or not, in any sense. I await having enough LLM generated production code to make statistically significant measurements.

I suspect that these days most developers are writing glue code, or short programs, and in the near term I expect that most LLM code will fill this need. Unfortunately, there is very little research/measurement on glue code/short program, so there are no known developer usage patterns to compare LLMs against.

My 2024 in software engineering

December 29, 2024 No comments

Readers are unlikely to have noticed something that has not been happening during the last few years. The plot below shows, by year of publication, the number of papers cited (green) and datasets used (red) in my 2020 book Evidence-Based Software Engineering. The fitted red regression lines suggest that the 20s were going to be a period of abundant software engineering data; this has not (yet?) happened (the blue line is a local regression fit, i.e., loess). In 2020 COVID struck, and towards the end of 2022 Large Language Models appeared and sucked up all the attention in the software research ecosystem, and there is lots of funding; data gathering now looks worse than boring (code+data):

Paper/data citations per year for Evidence-based software engineering book, with two regression and Loess fits.

LLMs are showing great potential as research tools, but researchers are still playing with them in the sandpit.

How many AI startups are there in London? I thought maybe one/two hundred. A recruiter specializing in AI staffing told me that he would estimate around four hundred; this was around the middle of the year.

What did I learn/discover about software engineering this year?

Regular readers may have noticed a more than usual number of posts discussing papers/reports from the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s. There is a night and day difference between software engineering papers from this start-up period and post mid-1980s papers. The start-up period papers address industry problems using sophisticated mathematical techniques, while post mid-1980s papers pay lip service to industrial interests, decorating papers with marketing speak, such as maintainability, readability, etc. Mathematical orgasms via the study of algorithms could be said to be the focus of post mid-1980s researchers. So-called software engineering departments ought to be renamed as Algorithms department.

Greg Wilson thinks that the shift happened in the 1980s because this was the decade during which the first generation of ‘trained in software’ people (i.e., emphasis on mathematics and abstract ideas) became influential academics. Prior generations had received a practical training in physics/engineering, and been taught the skills and problem-solving skills that those disciplines had refined over centuries.

My research is a continuation of the search for answers to the same industrial problems addressed by the start-up researchers.

In the second half of the year I discovered the mathematical abilities of LLMs, and started using them to work through the equations for various models I had in mind. Sometimes the final model turned out to be trivial, but at least going through the process cleared away the complications in my mind. According to reports, OpenAI’s next, as yet unreleased, model has super-power maths abilities. It will still need a human to specify the equations to solve, so I am not expecting to have nothing to blog about.

Analysis/data in the following blog posts, from the last 12-months, belongs in my book Evidence-Based Software Engineering, in some form or other:

Small business programs: A dataset in the research void

Putnam’s software equation debunked (the book is non-committal).

if statement conditions, some basic measurements

Number of statement sequences possible using N if-statements; perhaps.

Memory bandwidth: 1991-2009

A new NASA software dataset from the 1970s

Distribution of program sizes

A surprising retrospective task estimation dataset

Average lines added/deleted by commits across languages

Software companies in the UK

Census of general purpose computers installed in the 1960s

Some information on story point estimates for 16 projects

Agile and Waterfall as community norms

Median system cpu clock frequency over last 15 years

The evidence-based software engineering Discord channel continues to tick over (invitation), with sporadic interesting exchanges.

Small business programs: A dataset in the research void

December 22, 2024 2 comments

My experience is that most of the programs created within organizations are very short, i.e., around 50–100 lines. Sometimes entire businesses are run using many short programs strung together in various ways. These short programs invariably make extensive use of the functionality provided by a much larger package that handles all the complicated stuff.

In the software development world, these short programs are likely to be shell scripts, but in the much larger ecosystem that is the business world these programs will be written in what used to be called a fourth generation language (4GL). These 4GLs are essentially domain specific languages for specific business tasks, such as report generation, or database query products, and for some time now spreadsheets.

The business software ecosystem is usually only studied by researchers in business schools, but short programs, business or otherwise, are rarely studied by any researchers. The source of such short programs is rarely publicly available; even if the information is not commercially confidential, the program likely addresses one group’s niche problem which is of no interest to anybody else, i.e., there is no rationale to publishing it. If source were available, there might not be enough of it to do any significant analysis.

I recently came across Clive Wrigley’s 1988 PhD thesis, which attempts to build a software estimation model. It contains summary data of 26 transaction processing systems written in the FOCUS language (an automated code generator).

For many organizations, there is a fundamental difference between business related problems and scientific/engineering problems, in that business problems tend to involve simple operations on lots of distinct data items (e.g., payroll calculation for each company employee), while scientific/engineering often involves a complicated formula operating on one set of data. There are exceptions.

4GLs enable technically proficient business users to create and maintain good enough applications without needing software engineering skills (yes, many do create spaghetti code), because they are not writing thousands of lines of code. The applications often contain many semi-self-contained subcomponents, which can be shared or swapped in/out. The small size makes it easier to change quickly, and there is direct access to the business users, it’s an agile process decades before this process took off in the world of non-4GL languages.

A major claim made by fans of 4GL is that it is much cheaper to create applications equivalent to those created using a 3GL, e.g., Cobol/C/C++/Java/Python/etc. I would agree that this true for small applications that fit the use-case addressed by a particular 4GL, but I think the domain specific nature of a 4GL will limit what can be done and likely need to be done in larger applications.

How do 4GL applications written in FOCUS compare against application written in Cobol? A 1987 paper by Chris Kemerer provides some manpower/LOC data for Cobol applications. I have no information on the amount of functionality in any of the applications. The plot below shows developer hours consumed creating 26 systems containing a given number of lines of code for FOCUS (green) and 15 COBOL (blue) programs, with fitted regression models in red (code+data):

Number of developer hours needed to create applications containing a given number of lines of code in FOCUS and Cobol, with fitted regression lines.

The two samples of applications differ by two orders of magnitude in LOC and developer hours, however, there is no information on the functionality provided by the applications.

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